Sunday, May 19, 2024

It starts with the feet

There is lots of free information on YouTube and the internet, I don't know how we all managed before the world wide web.

I've read so many articles and watched a lot of videos which show exercises and stretches to deal with my snapping hip and weak glutes. It's easy to become overwhelmed and end up reading and watching but not actually doing what is necessary.

Another useful snippet I picked up somewhere was to look at my feet. After all if the foundations aren't good then the rest of the structure is always going to be a problem!

I do have quite low arches, they aren't flat, but definitely low. It has caused me problems in the past when doing long walks and I solved it by putting insoles in my walking boots. It never occurred to me to change the insoles in my running shoes. Looking at my current, well used, pair of running shoes, there is definite wear to the outside edge which is more pronounced on my snapping hip and injured side.

So I've invested in a pair of RunPro Currex Dynamic Insoles. The box claims they will enhance recovery, reduce injuries and increase performance.

I've also enlisted the help of a personal trainer at the gym. After discussing what I need, she is going to put together a programme for me. I need the accountability and structure to make me do it. I'm very much a facts and figures person and need to see steady measurable progress. I'm hoping this will be a big help and fill a gap in my training.

I have now started doing a little bit of running and can do so without any pain. So I'm building back up slowly - I started with 1 min, then 2, then 4, 8, 16 etc.  

Power Failure: A Lesson in Resilience

Yesterday marked the first Monday of January, a day that signalled the end of holiday festivities and the start of my new fitness routine. I...