Saturday, June 24, 2023

Staying on the path

At the moment I'm struggling to keep up with the training which is a shame as I was progressing well.

The first hiccup was the car breaking down whilst on holiday - after trying to get it repaired at short notice we had to make the difficult decision to scrap it and buy another.  Sorting all this out took quite a bit of time and I was without a vehicle for a few days - so I couldn't get to the Parkrun. To be honest I was quite tired and it was very hot and humid, so I missed a few other training sessions. On the way home from the holiday we decided to visit some friends and relatives who were on-route, so missed another Parkrun and a training session.  

When I got home, I had a few nights in my own bed then I've had to move in with the mother-in-law for a few weeks while she recovers from a hip replacement operation. Then 2 weeks later my sister in law is having a hip replacement and will also need support. This may mean that my husband and I will have to be in two different places which isn't ideal.

Despite the car issues, I had a fantastic holiday - after all problems and inconveniences are part of life and can't be avoided.  .....and looking on the bright side, at least it's not me having the hip replacement!

#hipreplacement #Parkrun #scrapcar #holidays #that'slife

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